Today, communities across Canada are showing their support for an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women (MMIW) by hanging red dresses and other red women's garments from front doors, store windows, and office entrances. This is all a part of The REDress Project, which was started in Saskatchewan and, with the hashtag REDressNU, has spread to Nunavut.
All day, I have been caught by the flashes of red across my timelines and newsfeeds, peppered with heartfelt, angry, and hopeful messages. In an election year when very little conversation has been had about violence against women, period, this collective installation
Thank you to everyone who participated, especially Laakkuluk Williamson-Bathory and Janet Brewster, who not only collaborated on the first blog post I wrote about this project, but have been sharing images on their social media feeds all day.
Below is simply a collection of photos tagged to REDressNU on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Red Dress Project, Nunavut. #mmiw #redress #redressNU. If you see the need for an inquiry, hang a red dress today
— Laakkuluk W. Bathory (@Laakkuluk) October 4, 2015
— Janet Brewster (@pitsiulaaq) October 4, 2015
Did you not get a chance to hang a red dress today? Well, then share this post, or the images within it, and help us raise awareness as to our collective call to change - and what we stand to lose if we don't take action.
#REDressNU #REDress #MMIW in memory of Sylvia Ann Lyall & with hope for Angela Pitseolak Meyer #Inuit
— Janet Brewster (@pitsiulaaq) October 4, 2015