12 Obscure Things I Never Thought I’d Learn while Living in Nunavut

12 Obscure Things I Never Thought I’d Learn while Living in Nunavut

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In two weeks, I will be moving from Baffin Island to Vancouver Island. It is a very bittersweet decision that leaves me with apprehension and hesitance, anticipation and excitement.

Having spent the past five year coming to and living in Iqaluit, I am overwhelmed with appreciation for the opportunities, experiences, friendships, and memories that this very special place has provided me.

I have learned many things over the years – most of which I will hold near and dear to my heart. But, for the sake of nostalgia and entertainment, here are 12 obscure things I never thought I’d learn while living in Nunavut.


1. How to ration precious, precious internet.

I now know exactly how many megabytes are required to stream an episode on Netflix. (Even more impressive is that Pinnguaq knows exactly how much data (read: money) is required to download Never Alone.)




2. That it is, in fact, possible to bring two giant goldfish as a carry-on item.

I’m guessing there were less than 100ml of water in there at some point…


3. How to sew sealskin mittens.

Perhaps more importantly, how much patience is required to sew sealskin mittens.



4. That nothing will stop us from throwing a Summer Solstice bonfire.

There is no such thing as a snow-check.

For all those asking… Yes. It is happening. Mull your wine! Wear your layers! Tell your friends! #summersolstice2015

A photo posted by Sara Statham (@saraashleygrant) on


5. How long estimated shipping times *actually* take.

Spoiler alert: Canada Post always underestimates.


6. What it feels like to have (too close of) an encounter with a polar bear.

He wasn’t always this far away. Hellooo, adrenaline.


7. The extent to which animal fur can be used for clothing.

From polar bear pants to seal skin lingerie, the options are endless.



8. That I would be asked to film a random rap video on a Saturday afternoon. And that I would say yes.

Don’t ask.

We may or may not have filmed a #tundratwerk rap video this afternoon…

A photo posted by Sara Statham (@saraashleygrant) on


Prompted by @samantouchexo: #tbt to my directorial debut, filming a rap video with the #tundratwerkteam. 📷 @andysbburns

A photo posted by Sara Statham (@saraashleygrant) on


9. How to fashion a Halloween costume out of very few materials.

Fabric. Poster-board. Feather boas. All the staples in the stapler.



10. That Twitter is – by far – the timeliest source of local news updates.

Whether Iqalummiut are announcing polar bears, power outages, blizzards (read: office closures), or the results of the municipal election, tweets reign supreme.


11. How to pack eight caribou antlers as checked luggage.

Hint: rope, bubble wrap, masking tape, egg cartons, cardboard, newspaper, fleece blanket, plastic bags, packing tape, and a visible permit (or else everything was for naught).


12. How to cook seal stew.

For the Iqaluit Food Centre. For 50 people. For my first time ever.



Have you learned any unexpected lessons while living in Nunavut? If so, let us know in the comment section below!

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